This talk will introduce a Ka band Huygens antenna array that has an ultrahigh (close to 100%) aperture efficiency. The basic radiating element is a 1 × 2 Huygens sub-array that consists of two rectangular open waveguides as the magnetic radiators and two plate-shaped dipoles as the electric radiators. The latter are designed to have a virtual gap between them. The sub-array is expanded into a large scale 8 × 16 array that is realized in a full-metal structure. Under uniform excitations, the aperture efficiency of this large array reaches 97.5%, which is very close to the theoretical limit of 100%. This exceptional performance indicates that nearly the entire surface is contributing to the co-polarized radiation and, thus, achieves almost perfect aperture utilization. This innovative feature arises from the intrinsic Huygens radiation properties of its individual elements. To demonstrate that this concept would be attractive to a many challenging wireless applications that require low sidelobe levels, a prototype array with tapered excitations was fabricated and tested. In addition to achieving sidelobe levels less than −20 dB, the measured realized aperture efficiency is the highest among all previously reported large scale arrays with low sidelobe levels.
蔺炜,博士,现任香港理工大学电子及资讯工程系助理教授,IEEE高级会员。蔺博士于2016年在香港城市大学获得电子工程博士学位。其后自2016年到2022年间赴澳大利亚悉尼科技大学先后任职博士后,校长博士后研究员,及澳大利亚国家研究委员会杰出青年学者兼讲师(助理教授)。于2022年七月到9月赴英国伦敦大学学院任职访问讲师(助理教授)。蔺博士是斯坦福大学统计全球2% 高引学者,迄今已发表期刊会议论文合共103篇,其中77篇为第一作者(75%),并获得多项国际学术奖项。蔺博士在天线与传播领域的顶级期刊,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,上已发表22篇文章。曾连续三年(2020到2022)获得该期刊的最佳审稿人奖并于2023年起担任IEEE TAP副主编。蔺博士是2022年IEEE天线与传播协会全球青年大使,并担任该协会最佳论文评审委员会委员。